Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Paleo Cleanse For The Best Way To Diet

Paleo Cleanse Diet is the diet we follow the arrangement as our ancestors ate, the point here is how the beginning of our ancestors before civilization began. Paleo is the diet (control diet) using the principles in ancient times used by our forefathers in the stone age, so the Paleo diet is a meal eaten by humans as a caveman. But wait, it does not mean we have to eat raw foods as they are, of course, we have experienced a lot of evolution and of course we have a structure that has different food processors with them. Perhaps our ancestors would be fine and tasty, even after cutting raw meat eating animals they hunted, but if we are now doing it.. Can we stomach worse happens

What's the difference with regular diets that reduce eating and so on that? Wait a minute, this diet has essentially helped you achieve your ideal weight by not eating or torture yourself to reduce air-hours in the gym. This diet helps your body shape like a dream, and this diet can save you from Diabetes, Coronary Heart Disease, or a variety of chronic diseases is now very easy to attack humans, want to know why? You should read, because maybe your family and your loved ones can be helped before it's too late. I promise, this diet will be easier ..

I just know this diet, and very interested to practice, because this diet is too ' not torturing' and 'exhausting'. In essence, like other diet, Paleo Cleanse Diet has several important elements in it, Paleo Diet has three (3) important and interrelated elements, namely Nutrition (Nutrition), Fitness (fitness) and Lifestyle (lifestyle).

A. Nutrition
 The basic philosophy behind the Paleo nutrition is we eat as it has been provided by nature for us to eat. Humans have been eating meat and vegetables over millions of years. Grains were introduced to our food since 10,000 years ago. It might look like a long time, whereas only about 333 generations. Evolution does not happen quickly. Over the last three or four generations, our dietary patterns may have changed more than ever. We now have many new foods that we had never eaten before, the food is not at all optimized for the needs of our body. New foods that have undesirable results in our body. And in the same time period, signed a lot of modern diseases and obesity increase. Coincidence? :)

B. Fitness
Fitness is something that everyone should keep as part of a normal and healthy life. Paleo Cleanse actively reduce the risk of chronic cardio. Instead, we have to move as much as we can, every day. Many walks in the workplace, do not use the elevator and vice versa  stairs, move! Strength is really important, but it does not mean you have to spend hours in the gym every day, or as powerful as its body shape carved image of the artist. The hunters antiquity would have confused look of today's modern man in the room while using the machine, and exercising for hours. They will not do anything for physical exercise. They all will exercise as part of their life, such as hunting, gathering food, maybe even dancing as a social event. And they must have done this without footwear as well! So what if you start looking for ways to move your body while working? :)

C. Lifestyle
Stress is a major problem with the lifestyle, without realizing it, the more stress comes from an imbalance of hormones in the human body. Do you realize how many young people around you who are emotionally undeveloped and unhealthy? They act 'Alay' and easy Depression. Do you see the connection now with the increasing number of fast-food and instant food increasing number of?
Enough sleep or enough rest is very important to maintain the balance of hormones in the body, as the food that we ingest and eat, if not supported by adequate rest, then our body will be difficult to maintain the balance of hormones that circulate in it.

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